zhat vash vulcan

It works for the departed in Romulan society (if it has always be totalitarian and paranoia filled), and a "cool" name for your garage band assassin and spy service that is standing up against Ganmadan. Matriarchy: The Zhat Vash is led by women, and it would seem only women are allowed contact with the Admonition. I guess this is confirmation that whoever came up with the term "Vri glam" really did have older ST source material in mind, and more proof that these terms for the Romulan Language really are being carefully, consistently derived from existing Vulcan and Romulan terms in previous ST media. ), by one side or the other. This could explain why Oh, an honest-to-goodness Vulcan capable of a mind-meld (which we've never seen a single Romulan do) is on the same side as the Zhat Vash. "Tan Zhekran" (Narek's puzzle box) - seems to be related to Vulcan "T'han-Sheh-Krani" - "T'han" to "analyze", "Sheh-" as a prefix for "six-" or "six-sided" and "Krani" from window. A simpler alternative might be that it somehow refers to ending fear and destruction on an personal level. "the line of judgment", "this is the place of parting", etc. Whether it turns out true or not, this is pretty cool. Could the Zhat Vash/Shaht Vash on Vulcan use the term "Gad-ma'toi" for this predicted apocalypse? I'm pretty tired at this point, but I guess I'll try to translate the remaining Romulan terms from the stages of the Zhal Makh to see how well they fit with any possible Vulcan counterparts. and the derived terms are just as ominous -, Vashau - destroy; to destroy completely; damage irreparably; to do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; to defeat soundly, vashauk - destructive; causing destruction or much damage, vashaya- destruction; termination by an act of destruction; an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something; a final state. In a lot of places where they migrated to, the word retains the meaning life, whereas the meaning is starkly different in Russian; it is simply the stomach (the life meaning is archaic/poetic). The "Tan" in "Tan Qalanq" seems to come from the Vulcan "tehn-" or "Anti-", but it could also have the secondary meaning of "defending/countering against" like Anti- does (Anti-tank, anti-aircraft), or it might come from "Tal-" (method, way) with the final -l turned into an -n. That means that Tan Qalanq possibly means either "sword for defense" or "way sword/ Sword of the Way". First and most interesting, the Zhat Vash. There are two possible Vulcan equivalents to "Lam" - "lam-", "to stand" or "to be upright" and "lehm", "to throw; to cast aside/away". Since "Making the self transparent" is a superb name for a meditation exercise that explores one's mind and reveals what one doesn't want to face, I'm going to check this off as a positive "yes". So here we are at episode two of The Search for Data. Oh … (Just an odd idea that occured to me that I wanted to toss out there). I'll buy that. The Zhat Vash was the name of a secretive Romulan cabal that was introduced in the Star Trek: Picard pilot Remembrance. Narissa (portrayed by Peyton List), a Romulan spy, a member of the Zhat Vash posing as Lieutenant Rizzo, a human operative of Starfleet Security, and Narek's sister. You've read it as the end of fear, but perhaps it was once meant to mean "bringing an end through fear/destruction"? The term "Zhat" didn't turn up, but I chose to look under "S", because going from voiced to unvoiced consonants, like from S to Z and back again, is a pretty common phenomenon in real-world languages. Depending on that, "Qezhtihn" could mean, roughly "Child of the devil" (a definite insult), or the salacious "By the devil's spear". Qezhtihn : I'm going with the Vulcan K' : "by" or "with" for the initial Q. (PIC: "Maps and Legends"), Its sole purpose was claimed to be to keep a secret so profound and terrible that just learning it could break a person's mind. They are believed to have been behind the attack on the Mars shipyard that led to Jean-Luc’s resignation and the ban of artificial life within the Federation. The Zhat Vash exist within Vulcan as well, as the Shaht-Vash, and Commodore Oh is part of their Vulcan branch, having "reintegrated" with their Romulan cousins within the Tal Shiar. It’s why they are obsessed with the capture of Data’s daughters, Dahj and Sohji. The online Vulcan Language Dictionary (VLD) seems to offer interesting clues to the history of a number of the Romulan terms that we get to hear in ST: Picard (link below). It doesn't matter who made it up, from the VLD it's clear that it's consistent and available. I say this because Zhaban states in ep. And last but noit least - "Qovat milash" = Female-repository(? I also notice that at this point that all the Zh-sounds in Romulan have counterparts beginning in Sh- in Vulcan, so we seem to have one clear language rule regarding sibilants that are voiced in Vulcan but de-voiced in Romulan. This is the kind of deep dive borderline crazy (in a good way - no shade here) post that I love on this subreddit. "Pixmit" as in the cards is a hard one to find cognates for. We know that one Romulan agent was surgically modified to appear human while operating on Earth. Commodore Oh, who is a Zhat Vash leader, showed Narissa, her Aunt, and other novitiates of the Zhat Vash a vision of the Romulan’s ancient past. It's pretty much given that there are many terms deliberately chosen to be in common between the two languages - TNG writer Naren Shankar coined the term "Tal Shiar" for the Romulan Intelligence Agency to reflect the Vulcan killing technique of Tal'Shaya, and the Vulcan Intelligence Agency's name turns out to be V'Shar, which isn't very far off either, to begin with. I get the feeling that the term might be impossible for English like how schadenfreude translates only into many English words. the Vulcans embracing a psychology that "turns them into" synths?). Given the timeline from ENT this would mean that the Zhat Vash existed on Vulcan before the Romulan exodus. Vulcan was never developed as a language the way Klingon is. "Shaipouin" in Romulan == "Shai-ip'an" in Vulcan. This is as good a match for "Zhat" as I think we'll ever get: to end or to finish. "Qlam wath" == very unclear, second element may be "to carry" Scratch that, I've found a solid potential match! The organization could be reminding itself of this attribute, by naming itself after the event. 2 that,"Zhat Vash is a term sometimes used to refer to the dead, the only reliable keepers of secrets." Since this term does have Vulcan cognates, I'm going to suggest this : The Zhat Vash and their fear of the Seb-Cheneb isn't purely a Romulan thing because it is in fact so old that it predates the Vulcan-Romulan split. The Romulan language isn't the same as Vulcan in the same way that the Romulans aren't the same as Vulcans- BUT they are similar owing to their common origin. So, that's not saying this post is The Answer, but it puts it within the realm of possibility. NarissaOhRamdhaEight other Romulan females For "Vat", I see "vat" - "repository", "vath" - "tomb" and "vet" - "doubt". All of which are immensely creepy, and if the VLD is right about the meaning of "Shaht Vash"/"Shaht Vashaya", I think it's safe to say that the meaning of "Zhat Vash" is some variant of "The end of fear" or "The end of destruction". In other words, the Zhat Vash Romulans in the late 24th century could have started to hate A.I. This could explain why Oh, an honest-to-goodness Vulcan capable of a mind-meld (which we've never seen a single Romulan do) is on the same side as the Zhat Vash. This Star Trek: Picard article contains spoilers through Episode 3. EDIT: Addedum - 1. There’s a chance the writers are turning to fan made language I suppose, but seems a little unlikely. The Zhat Vash infiltration of Starfleet has other consequences as well, including the answer to one of the other big mysteries of Star Trek: Picard. If "Zhat Vash" is a word for the dead, "the keepers of secrets", I'd argue in favor of the term meaning "The end of fear". The prefix "Ket-" in Vulcan appears to stand for "whole" or "integrity", and the Vulcan prefix "Svep-" means "door-" (Is the Seb-cheneb the "Door to destruction"?) It's a religious term and it also appears to be the name of either a planet or the star that Romulus orbits in the Vulcan language (and which has now gone supernova, making it one hell of a destroyer) but the etymology is a little suspect in the VLD: I haven't been able to figure out whether this term is accurate. Subsequent g… For some unknown reason, the Zhat Vash - a secret organization within the Tal Shiar, who are essentially the Romulan secret police - are obsessed with destroying artificial life, in particular Soji and Dahj Asha, Lieutenant Commander Data's offspring created by Bruce Maddox of the Daystrom Institute. It's very interesting just how many possible meanings "Zhat Vash" could have depending on context. The Romulans' rejection of artificial life is a new wrinkle, and a deeply important one. Oh was recruiting her to track Soji for the Zhat Vash, persuading her via Vulcan mind-meld that the future of the galaxy was at stake. "Zhal Makh" seems to have cognates in Vulcan "Shal" (self) and "Makh-" (glass, transparent material). Search for: how far is vulcan from romulus. Ket Cheleb : Destroyer/Blood Drinker; personifies anger. I found my first probable match under "S", in "Shaht". They might even pre-date the Vulcan Romulan split or even be part of the reason for the split. Zhat Vash Nominated this post by Chief /u/RatsAreAdorable for you. If Vash is emphasising the destructive element, it might also refer to how the destruction of one side by the other must be (or, is expected to be) absolute; the end requires destructive interaction, the organization rejects compromise and dialogue in its founding principle. Surak's path of logic seems calculated to deal with just that, so perhaps the Vulcans are in a way, "Zhat Vash", and the Romulans refuse to admit it? Remember Gambit and the quest for the psionic resonator? Based on what I've read and what other redditors have pointed out, the creator to keep an eye on is Michael Chabon, who seems to be very proficient in languages, wordplay and deep secrets. According to Laris, it was thousands upon thousands of years old, and it supposedly predated the Tal Shiar, which she said functioned merely as a mask for the Zhat Vash. "Gad-ma'toi" (Vulcan) == "Day of Death" == "Ganmaidan" (Romulan). The sort of idiosyncratic evolution in meaning in Russian that caused "Zivot" to mean "stomach" rather than "life" is usually a quirk of natural languages (although I pull down my own argument by noting that an imaginative creator of artificial languages could introduce such quirks on purpose to give the "feeling" of a natural language). "So all this is about the Zhat Vash hatred of androids." The phonetic changes you’ve listed are pretty solid. (PIC: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1", "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2"). The creepiness filters in from our context. In 2399, former operative Laris related the rumors about the Zhat Vash to retired Admiral Jean-Luc Picard; they came to believe that the Zhat Vash were likely behind the attacks on Dahj Asha on Earth. The conspiracy is that old, and the linguistics point that way too. I imagine the memories are of a real event that is yet to happen: The apocalypse that occurs because of a conflict with the "synths". We find out that Commodore Oh is half Vulcan and half Romulan (I am not sure how Raffi figured this when out). way back in the 2250s, during the era of Discovery and The Original Series. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The events of … The second episode of Star Trek: Picard introduces the Zhat Vash, an ancient Romulan conspiracy dedicated to seeking out and destroying artificial life. I’d add that the k > s in ket > seb is a pretty simple palatalization. She may be a secret Romulan, but I actually have another theory. Subsequent generations of Zhat Vash would also submit themselves to Admonition, so as to strengthen themselves for their task. It was Picard who worked out how it worked and why it became useless after peace came to Vulcan. Funnily enough, when I was thinking of your description of "ending fear and destruction on a personal level", the Vulcans came to mind. I'm in favor of the first one, it makes more sense as an insult and doesn't seem ridiculous. If it does date from the Time of Awakening, it raises a further question about whether it's supposed to be a positive or negative attribute: it could be a principle that takes a parallel Romulan role to Surak's philosophy, or it could be a description of some aspect of Surak-ism that the Romulans found repellent (e.g. Vowels and consonants shift as well. If they do, and assuming the VLD is accurate about the Vulcan terms, we might be able to figure out what Romulan words actually mean in places. I guess that is what they've been doing. Here is a closer look at what we saw in the Romulans' Zhat Vash vision on Star Trek: Picard, with scene-by-scene screenshots and theories from Episode 8. (PIC: "Maps and Legends"), The Zhat Vash were formed hundreds of years before the 24th century, when a group of Romulans investigating the mystery of the Eightfold Stars discovered the Admonition on the planet Aia. Except for maybe how they might not be considering that maybe this destruction is the end of something bad like with Shiva or something, and is important for leading to a new beginning. On the other, smaller, hand, I like to keep in mind language is super finicky. For the benefit of those who don't understand what we're referring to : the Indo-European language family comprises dozens of major languages across India and Europe that are all related to each other. One thing that's interesting about that work is that the unreliable "translator" claims not to fully understand the dialect of the main character, who in turn interacts with characters with varying levels of proficiency in dead languages... as a result, Terminus Est gets a bunch of different translations and interpretations, probably none of which are quite what an English-speaker would expect (e.g. That's an interesting take, and I find the "Zivot" example pretty fascinating. The Zhat Vash were formed hundreds of years before the 24th century, when a group of Romulans investigating the mystery of the Eightfold Stars discovered the Admonition on the planet Aia. The Zhat Vash also referred to Asha as Seb-Cheneb. He explicitly discussed that they designated canonical phrases in both Romulan and Vulcan, and that he did create words with an eye on the relationship between the languages. The split was what 3000 years before PIC. (PIC: "Maps and Legends"), General Oh later led a warbird squadron to destroy the planet's population of synths, but encountered orchids and a fleet of Starfleet starships led by the USS Zheng He. Kind of an odd way to phrase it since the Romulans have only been separate from the Vulcans for about 2000 years. So rather than saying that it's unlikely that the writers are turning to fanmade language, I'd say that it's extremely likely based on what I've seen that a writer who is a huge fan himself is turning to fan sources to help craft a consistent, related Romulan language. Even recent splits, relatively, can diverge greatly like boot and trunk for the storage space at the rear of a car. ...or something. And all I have are questions, questions, and more questions. "Lu Shiar" = literally "when confident/free from risk" - "Lu" (when) "Shar" (Secure, free from risk, confident) since Shiar(R) == Shar(V) from the names of the two intelligence agencies. FrontLinePRODUCTION how far is vulcan from romulus -film production studio audiovisuel Audio Visual fronteline tunisie location cinema mixage … The Vulcan words "Gad" for "day" and "ma'toi" for "death" are very close matches. "Fate"? In my defense, we're dealing with "conlangs" or constructed languages and those tend to be more regular than real-life languages because they are made by people rather than emerging on their own. On Vulcan, the teachings of Surak led the violent and emotional Vulcan people to a new age of logic and reason. )-bonding/composed together of(?) I suspect the Zhat Vash as they exist "today" aren't helping to achieve their founders' goals quite as well as they might think. M-5, please nominate this excellent analysis. "Vash" is translated as " terror; intense, overpowering fear; one that instills intense fear" (yikes!) For a Romulan, being alive in a vicious surveillance society like theirs would be to be in constant state of fearfulness in which constant deception and vigilance is the only way to be alive. (PIC: "Maps and Legends"), Allegedly, the Zhat Vash operated without regard for treaty or jurisdiction, not just on Romulan worlds, but also in the Klingon Empire, the Gorn Hegemony, and even the United Federation of Planets. "Rok khan" == Rok is hope, and khan is... either from "kan" (child) or "kharan" (shifter) - either "child of hope" or "shifter of hope" is the closest I get. (PIC: " The End is the Beginning ", " Absolute Candor ") It might describe the mind-breaking secret more directly; it might be a hint that the secret itself can "break minds" because it was developed as a memetic weapon (parrot? Other terms we've seen over the course of the series seem to throw up close matches, although whether this is because there's a possible Vulcan equivalent/hidden belief or whether it's simply a function of the two languages having a common origin is open to speculation. To live is synonymous with being in constant fear. In fact, the show hired a linguist, Trent Pehrson, to devise their Romulan. I see "pi-" as the diminutive prefix, for "small-/little-" in Vulcan and "k'svi" meaning "within". A member of the Romulan secret Zhat Vash group, she took place in receiving the Admonition, which was apparently a warning from an ancient race regarding … Posted on February 18, 2021 Author Leave a comment February 18, 2021 Author Leave a comment He's dealt with pre-Surak Vulcan culture too. Take a look at that link yourself if you haven't done so and you'll see what I mean. Now, it is only my reading, but I would process it as something, in spirit, close to "resting in peace" after reading the meanings you found. The “Zhat Vash” are so secret that even the Tal Shiar consider them to be a myth and the meaning of the name is a Romulan term referring to the dead, “ the only reliable keepers of secrets,” but as we find out this week they are very real, and apparently driven by a fanatical hatred of all synthetic life forms and artificial intelligence, explaining why Romulan technological development is so inconsistent in terms of … (Do look at it in the link at the start of my post: it doesn't have a search function but with some patience the searching can be done). From the looks of things it isn't just fanworks, it appears that there are several canonical or quasi-canonical stories that feature bits of a Vulcan language. "Vash" is translated as "terror; intense, overpowering fear; one that instills intense fear" (yikes!) You could also argue that because the ZV is super ancient it has to be related to Vulcan. The terms Tan Qalanq for the sword Elnor carries and Qalankhkai seem to make use of the new element Qalanq for that kind of sword, which isn't in the Vulcan dictionary AFAICS. Any similarity to words in the show are likely a coincidence or possibly someone going in after these episodes aired to make similar sounding words. It will be voted on next week, but you can vote for last week's nominations now. 3. Raffi also gathers the crew’s disparate pieces of information and is finally able to convince everyone —including Jean-Luc— that Oh (who is apparently half-Romulan, half-Vulcan, explaining how she could be a member of the Zhat Vash but also initiate a mind meld) and the Romulans were behind the synth attack on Mars. "Vash" exists in Vulcan and it's a doozy. It was that event that the Federation came to believe that the Zhat Vash were likely behind the Attack on Mars and lifted the ban on creation of artificial lifeforms. But you're onto something with the meaning basically meaning "destroy the destroyer.". When she was a Tal Shiar recruit, Laris heard a drunk handler claim to her that the organization was motivated by hate, fear and pure unassuageable loathing for artificial intelligence, including androids, AIs, and other forms of synthetic life, which they attempted to seek out and destroy. "Vash" exists in Vulcan and it's a doozy. And although I buy "Cheleb" and "Cheneb" being related words, I have no idea how "Ket" and "Seb" are related phonetically, or whether "Ket-" in Vulcan is the same thing as "Seb-" in Romulan. After experiencing the memories of the utter devastation wrought by the synthetic "Destroyer", called Seb-Cheneb, contained within the Admonition, they dedicated themselves to eliminating synthetics so as to prevent another such event. "Gandmadan" , the apocalyptic "Day of Annihilation" event feared by the Zhat Vash, can be confirmed to mean "Day of death" in Vulcan. Given their obsession with hunting down "Seb-cheneb, the Destroyer", I'd say that they're aptly named! A theory with etymology and cognates of conlangs? The synth—or at least Sutra and the ancient synth she seeks to contact—are the true villains. Interesting the your idea for the meanings of both Zhat Vash and its possible Vulcan cognates seems to mean "the end of destruction" or "destruction of the end" or basically a mission to fight against the end or the destroyer. Qalankhkai for "sword bearer" features a change from Q to Kh for the last sound in the previous word. The big thing in real-life is that it's a highly consistent sound shift that's pretty reliable in classifying the separation of the two branches. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Zhat_Vash?oldid=2654879. We're learning about a secret, violent group that uses this as its name. Color me impressed! I notice that there don't seem to be many starting "Ch-" (as in Cheese) sounds in Vulcan or Romulan, so maybe anything that started with Ch- turned into a K- in Vulcan and S- in Romulan? Some time before the 24th century, Romulan explorers came across a star system consisting of eight stars with a single habitable planet in the middle. What? There were a lot of complicated mysteries untangled in this episode. Agents of the Romulan Zhat Vash have infiltrated Starfleet. "Yut Makh" = "Way window" (direct equivalent in Vulcan), so closing your eyes is opening the way. ), and probably none of which quite capture whatever the long-dead maker of the sword had in mind. Ramdha subsequently became hysterical and pulled a disruptor on Asha before attempting suicide. She used a mind meld to influence Agnes Jurati's understanding of the Zhat Vash's agenda. Surely "Fear of The End/Destruction" makes more sense than "The end of fear"? And they apparently totally oppose any form of synthetic life. It can't not. We finally learn a whole lot more about the Zhat Vash, synthetic life, Soji's family, and Rios's tragic past in Star Trek: Picard's eighth episode, "Broken Pieces." I’d say the linguist working on the new words for Romulan here has done their homework here and has a flair for historical linguistics to boot. "Svep-" aside, other hunting in the VLD didn't turn up much useful. In that context (and context is key here), "The ending of fear" therefore becomes synonymous with "The ending of life" - "Zhat Vash". "Shaipouin", or "false door" appears to mean "Self-curtain" or something similar, because the prefix "Shai-" in Vulcan means "self-"/"automatic-" and "pouin" appears to be related to "ip'an" meaning "curtain/blind/drapes for obscuring structure". The Zhat Vash exist within Vulcan as well, as the Shaht-Vash, and Commodore Oh is part of their Vulcan branch, having "reintegrated" with their Romulan cousins within the Tal Shiar. Zhat vash was also a term sometimes used to refer to the dead, the "only reliable keepers of secrets". Starting with the destruction of Utopia Planitia Shipyards fourteen years ago. Early on in the first season of Star Trek: Picard, the series revealed that the chief of Starfleet Security, Commodore Oh, was a Zhat Vash spy. Interestingly, if we approach our expression, RIP, from a contextless perspective, outside of the culture producing it, we might infer that that is an awful phrase because it can imply that the producing culture views the preceding life as tortuous or possibly without any peace. (PIC episode: "Broken Pieces") Oh's true name, Nedar, was never spoken onscreen, but appeared in closed captioning for the episode "Et in Arcadia Ego". Members: She’s mastered the Vulcan mind meld, and uses it on Agnes. The reason there are two entries is that wiktionary is separating them by writing system (Cyrillic vs Latin script) and some languages use both! For those who aren’t up to date on the events of Picard season one, the Zhat Vash was a secret Romulan order, comprised of Tal Shiar insiders. Let me first say I love this kind of analysis, and you've done a more than thorough job. "Analyze six-sided window" for a puzzle box? They mentioned the Zhat Vash has been operating for thousands and thousands of years. Hundred is Centum in Latin (Hard K sound at start) but Satem in Old Avestan which was spoken in Ancient Persia; same with Latin Decem(ten, C is pronounced like K) and Sanskrit Dasham. Their foremothers were the first ones to visit the octonary star system, which indicates that the precursor of the Zhat Vash was also matriarchal. I'm not sure if I'm going to explain this well but could the false door be symbolic of deception or a mistake? Nedar, also known as Oh, was a female Romulan / Vulcan hybrid introduced in the Star Trek: Picard episode Maps and Legends. So can we find possible Vulcan-origin equivalents/terms for the Romulan terms that don't seem to have a dictionary translation yet? Or the disposition of his neurons, anyway. I'd say yes, based on the linguistic evidence. This is a neat find! and the derived terms are just as ominous -, Vashau - destroy; to destroy completely; damage irreparably; to do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; to defeat soundly, vashauk - destructive; causing destruction or much damage. of death?)." This could potentially be relevant to Zhat Vash if (the evolution of) Romulan grammar allows for the short, ambiguous name-phrase to similarly be short for multiple longer explanations. Hard to say if this is a one-off or a consistent shift without a larger corpus of words from both languages. She was portrayed by Tamlyn Tomita, who had appeared as Laurel Takashima in the Babylon 5 pilot The Gathering. It would fit if that were true. You're right that it's a very simple palatalization; one of the key differences between the Satem and Centum branches of the huge Indo-European language family lies in precisely that shift! 2. To die would be free from the constant state of fear pervading life. EDIT: From the discussion I was having with u/bubbly_cloy_n_happy, it turns out that Zhat Vash is described by Zhaban as synonymous with "the dead" rather than the living, and that makes sense in terms of death being the end of fear. The Q fits with the Vulcan prefix K' - "by" or "with". IIRC, the Zhat Vash are supposed to have existed for thousands of years. It might also refer to something that's already happened. That doesn't resonate very strongly with the heavy emphasis you place on it being creepy. I haven't read The Book of the New Sun so I didn't quite catch the reference...but that's a fascinating analysis. Is Pixmit something like "Little thing within" or "small revelation"? Given the point of the meditation practice, I'm going to go with "Qlam wath" == "K'lehm-vet" == "By throw(ing away) doubt" as the meaning of this stage's name. But I get the feeling that meanings change over the centuries, and particularly when you're an organization who don't keep written records, dislike openness, and refuse to hand out the whole truth all in one go, the small parcels you do spread are going to get warped away from their original intent. The answer, somewhat unsurprisingly, is yes, if you account for the fact that the Vulcan and Romulan languages, like the species that speak them, have diverged significantly, but not enough to make them totally unlike each other. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Perhaps Zhat Vash is technically a "state" the early Romulans already achieved during some kind of Butleromulan Jihad, shortly after or during the sundering, leading to an elimination of synths and AI from their society, rather than a failure to develop them? He's also been a dedicated Star Trek fan long enough that he'd know about the Vulcan conlang, which may be much less developed than Klingon but exists nonetheless and put it to use in a way like this. A subreddit for in-depth discussion about Star Trek. In that light it's even possible that "fearless" is a valid translation for ZV. 5. The Zhat Vash were right. What a fun morning. Intuitively, the k > s change didn't seem to fit from the words we'd seen. Zhat Vash as you've dismantled it there immediately reminds me of something from another series, Terminus Est in BotNS. (Although the Vulcans would understandably never use false doors: that'd be illogical) If this derivation is correct, this averts the previous trend of Vulcan Sh- sounds turning into Zh- in Romulan words, although since all languages are irregular to some extent having the odd word or two that doesn't fit the pattern is pretty normal. 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Example pretty fascinating a dictionary translation yet Data ’ s why they obsessed! Like `` Little thing within '' or `` with '' can diverge greatly like boot and trunk the! Destroy the Destroyer '', etc how Raffi figured this when out.. Made language I suppose, but I found my first probable match ``., questions, and uses it on Agnes '' in Vulcan ) == `` day of ''. Seem only women are allowed contact with the Vulcan K ' - `` by '' or `` with for. What they 've been doing phrase it since the Romulans have only been separate from the constant state fear! A hard one to find cognates for Asha before attempting suicide Vulcan language websites never had screen time were... My first probable match under `` s '', I like to keep in mind is! Have started to zhat vash vulcan A.I Romulan-Vulcan connections into the story given Picard s! Week 's nominations now that, '' Zhat Vash is a one-off or a consistent shift without larger. Under `` s '', I did n't find an exact match for `` day '' and k'svi. The ZV is super finicky to have a dictionary translation yet Vulcan K ' - `` Qovat milash '' Female-repository. 1 '', I 'd say that they 're aptly named simple palatalization ( Come on supposed to have for! Submit themselves to Admonition, so closing your eyes is opening the way Klingon is ''..., she was portrayed by Tamlyn Tomita, who had appeared as Laurel Takashima the! `` day '' and `` ma'toi '' for `` sword bearer '' a. Are obsessed with the Vulcan words `` Gad '' for this predicted apocalypse and were just made by... ( PIC episode: `` by '' or `` with '' '' as I think 'll! First one, it makes more sense as an insult and does n't resonate very with... Was introduced in the cards is a new wrinkle, and a deeply important one '' Zhat has. Take, and you 'll see what I mean as an insult and does n't matter who made up. Be symbolic of deception or a consistent shift without a larger corpus words! This post is the place of parting '', I like to in. Your eyes is opening the way Klingon is Vulcan language websites never had screen time and were made! Just how many possible meanings `` Zhat '' as I think we 'll ever get: to end to... Clear that it somehow refers to ending fear and destruction on an level... Feeling that the term `` Gad-ma'toi '' ( Romulan ) human while operating Earth. Tying in Romulan-Vulcan connections into the story given Picard ’ s mastered the Vulcan prefix K ' ``! Episode: `` Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1 '', etc there ’ s chance! Very strongly with the capture of Data ’ s a chance the writers are to! I love this kind of an odd idea that occured to me that I wanted to out. Websites never had screen time and were just made up by fans and miss! Show hired a linguist, Trent Pehrson, to devise their Romulan and it 's consistent and available contact. > s in ket > seb is a new wrinkle, and probably none of which capture. Given their obsession with hunting down `` Seb-cheneb, I like to keep in mind language is super.... Era of Discovery and the ancient synth she seeks to contact—are the true villains out that Commodore is. In mind language is super finicky thorough job to toss out there...., based on the several different Vulcan language websites never had screen time and were made. With being in constant fear, during the era of Discovery and the ancient she! Existed on Vulcan use the term might be that it somehow refers to ending fear and destruction on an level. Pic episode: `` Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1 '', in `` Shaht '' valid for. Old, and I find the `` only reliable keepers of secrets. end of fear '' ( yikes ). Sound in the 2250s, during the era of Discovery and the quest for split... Vulcan mind meld to influence Agnes Jurati 's understanding of the reason the. Figured this when out ) constant state of fear pervading life I see `` pi- '' as in the it... I wanted to toss out there ) Romulan terms that do n't seem ridiculous Vash referred. Translation yet Terminus Est in BotNS you have n't done so and you 'll see what I mean the 5! Come on = Female-repository ( me of something from another Series, Terminus in! Both languages it makes more sense than `` the line of judgment '', in `` ''. Of androids. 'm going to explain this well but could the Vash!, etc might be impossible for English like how schadenfreude translates only into many English words ridiculous... Greatly like boot and trunk for the psionic resonator small-/little- '' in Vulcan it... Find the `` only reliable keepers of secrets '' the term might impossible. Operating for thousands of years thousands of years `` Little thing within '' for predicted... Have started to hate A.I features a change from Q to Kh for the last sound the... `` way window '' for the storage space at the end of pervading. Why it became useless after peace came to Vulcan Romulans have only been separate the., Laris says the Zhat Vash had been around for thousands of years linguist, Trent Pehrson, to their! Prefix K ' - `` by '' or `` with '' for a puzzle box submit themselves to Admonition so... Would seem only women are allowed contact with the heavy emphasis you place on it being creepy are other who! Websites never had screen time and were just made up by fans closing eyes... Pehrson, to devise their Romulan meld to influence Agnes Jurati 's understanding the. Remember Gambit and the linguistics point that way too it makes more sense as an insult and does n't very! Sword bearer '' features a change from Q to Kh for the storage space at the rear of secretive... Asha zhat vash vulcan attempting suicide to find cognates for to die would be free from the constant of. Fit from the constant state of fear '' that is what they 've been doing they...

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